Tuesday, June 30, 2009

9 reasons why the 'presidential election' in Iran is a sham!

1. A government from the Middle Ages which still executes individuals for 'enmity against god' or 'morality crimes', 'acts incompatible with chastity', stones people to death for having sex and has executed over 100,000 people in two decades cannot at the same time profess 'democracy in Iran is transparent and for everyone, compared with Western democracy that has overt and covert limitations,' This has been said by Khamenei, whose title is the Supreme Spiritual Leader no less!

2. Any political party opposed to the government is banned and their members either killed, in exile or clandestinely active with great risk to themselves. Article 26 of the constitution states: 'The formation of parties, societies, political or professional associations …is permitted provided they do not violate the principles of independence, freedom, national unity, the criteria of Islam, or the basis of the Islamic republic.' This goes to show how superficial labels of reformist, moderate, conservative and so on are in Iranian politics. All those running support and will maintain repression and theocracy.

3. In Iran, there is no freedom of association and organisation that is necessary for a fair election. Article 27 of the constitution states that 'public gatherings and marches may be freely held, provided … that they are not detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam.' This is pretty difficult when you consider the anti-Islamic backlash and strong anti-government sentiments amongst the majority of people.

4. In Iran, there is no freedom of the press and expression. Article 24 of the constitution clearly stipulates: 'publications and the press have freedom of expression except when it is detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam or the rights of the public.' The regime keeps closing down press affiliated with itself so you can imagine what it does to independent and free-thinking press and expression.

5. A lot has been said about the fact that only a few of the many candidates were approved to run in today's presidential election by the Guardian Council whose members are directly or indirectly selected by Khamenei. This doesn't mean that many of those disqualified are any better. Some of them are stalwarts of the government.

6. The list of those who was selected, though, reads like a most wanted list! All are former or present government officials responsible for and linked to serious human rights violations during their various governmental positions. Here's a short bio of them:

* Mehdi Karroubi, Member of the State Expediency Council, former Majlis Speaker from 1989 to 1992 and 2000 to 2004. Secretary General and founding member of Militant Clerics Society one of the most reactionary organisations in Iran. He also headed the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee and the Martyrs Foundation, two state institutions which control much of the country's assets.

* Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He has been a top commander of the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in particular responsible for murder of thousands of opponents during the dark days of mass killings in the early 80s. A recently revealed document has shown his involvement in planning an attempt on the life of author Salman Rushdie. He is a member of the central council of the Society of the Devotees of the Islamic Revolution.

* Mohsen Rezai, Secretary of State Expediency Council; one of the founders and former Commander of Iran's notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps from 1981 to 1997. He is personally responsible for murdering many socialist and opponents of the Islamic Republic. He is wanted by Interpol for planning and undertaking acts of terrorism abroad.

* Hossein Mousavi, has been prime minister and head of government for several years. He organised and carried out massacres and suppression of protests of the population in the 80s, in which hundreds of thousands were arrested and thousands executed. In his time in office a row of inhumane and barbaric laws against women, the opposition and critics of the regime were introduced and used.

7. Some say that if all those who want are allowed to run, this could be considered a real election. It can't - because only those 'distinguished men possessing trustworthiness and piety; and a convinced belief in the fundamental principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the official religion of the country' can be elected according to Article 115 of the Islamic Republic of Iran's constitution. This effectively excludes the vast majority of the population.

8. Of course that means women are automatically and categorically excluded from running in the election. Again, Article 20 of the constitution states: '…both men and women, equally enjoy the protection of the law and enjoy all human, political, economic, social, and cultural rights' but only in conformity with Islamic criteria.' But again, if women were allowed to run, they would only implement the same misogyny inherent in the system.

9. The person who will be 'elected' today will have to swear that he 'will guard the official religion of the country, the order of the Islamic Republic and the Constitution of the country' and dedicate himself to the 'the honour of the country, the propagation of religion and morality.' The person selected in this farce is going to uphold the very barbarity that the people in Iran are gearing to overthrow.

A letter to the world:what will you do to sprouts germination?

I am writing this letter on behalf of a starred (prohibited from studying) PhD student.
I am writing this letter on behalf of a flogged worker on first of May.
I am writing this letter on behalf of a sentenced to death teenager.
I am writing this letter on behalf of a sentenced to death by stone woman.
I am writing this letter on behalf of Saeed Valadbeygi.

It has been so many years that we are fighting for our basic rights.You detain and imprison us,torture and flog us.Execute and exile us but we still stand firm.
On the international women's day we announced that women and men are equal and condemned any kind of sexual discrimination,but after all you executed your men partisan and medieval rules against women.On the first day of May(International worker's day)we announced that we have to get paid and we announced that we are going the same way that workers are going in the whole world and we have same goals and asked you to put an end to the tyranny against immigrant workers.But you imprisoned us and kept us in the worst conditions ever and tortured us.You flogged workers because they participate in international worker's day and charged them with the high fines.
On the international children's day, we announced that children is first and you do not have the right to sexually and physically abuse them.You do not have the right to use them as a cheap silent work force but you still you took advantage of them in the streets and workshops.
On the student's day( 16th of Azar),we announced that, do not execute, do not stone to death,put an end to the conquests(Shari'a)rules against humanity and let the university-as it implies from its name-be a place to study and produce human and science forces.But you attacked us and at night arrested our friends and send them blindfolded to the prisons.You starred and expelled us and positioned militia forces in the universities.we told you repeatedly that university is not a garrison(military area)and asked you to emit your forces out of universities but you attacked our class rooms and dormitories and injured students.Today is one of our friend's funeral ...yes,I am talking about Kianoush Asa, the one that you killed him in prison and under torture.

We cried(shouted) repeatedly and of the same voice along with the global movement against children execution and asked to stop it.But you executed our Delara and you keep take children with skimpy and wobbly legs to the gallows.
We announced that Iranian people are not militant and they do not want destruct any generation, race or color.Our slogan was"One identity,the human identity"and"one land,one man".But you kept announcing your personal ideas and opinions in the name of the Iranian people.we repeatedly announced that we do not want Islamic government and you kept governing by medieval rules.

We have given you a warning and are fighting for years now.This movement which you call it dirt and brushwood is that student,woman,child and worker who you have disregarded his/her right for along time.

This is not a revolt movement of prosperous people.This is not a protest of loser voters.This is a cry of oppressed people of Iran who yell from the bottom of their hearts "death to dictator,Khamenei and Islamic republic.This cry is echo of the voices that you have heard all this years from the larynx of freedom partisans in the corner of your prison cells and pits.
Iranian people have found each other and know that your overthrow secret is in their solidarity. That is why they say "Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid!We are all together" Iranian people, men and women equal and of the one voice came to streets as they said and stood in front of your bullets.On the same day that you killed Neda,I saw another woman standing with open hands and yelling "Shoot, shoot, kill me too".This is your overthrow movement that cries in the streets"I will kill who killed my brother".
It will not be too late,history will repeat for you one more time and Freedom and Equality would be the Iranian message to the whole world.

But I am Saeed Valadbeygi ; The student worker who has been in your detentions and prisons so many times.The starred student ,you expelled him from university and the worker who spent the best years of his life in exile and prison.I am the cry (shout) of the common pain who has clenched his fists stronger in all these years to yell "death to DICTATOR" today and stronger than ever.Do not frighten me of death.It has been few days that you put my family under the sever pressure and attacked my place so many times but each and every time you have failed and been the looser.This pressure and creating the fear and panic atmosphere can not stop our friends and their families in the middle of their freedom road because we are aware that in our freedom way , we do not have anything to lose except for our chains.Your act might interrupt our activities,perhaps we lose our dearest ones and best moments of our lives in that way but your interruption will never be able to stop us.

Notice how green, colorful, and fruitful I am
Notice how full of leaves, branches, and strong I am
Despite the injury caused by the spite of axemen,
I am deeply rooted; such is my magnificence
Though you may perceive that I have fallen to the ground,
and my youthful branches bare the wounds of your hatchets
Yet, what will you do with my roots!?
Though you may sit on this rooftop,
waiting to ensnare a bird,
while holding the sign: “Flying Prohibited”
Yet, what will you do with the little chicks in the nest!?
Though the abusive, night prowling wind
may be passing through, howling and brawling like a drunkard
Yet, what will you do with the twittering, bright sunrise!?
Though you may beat us
Though you may take us
Though you may kill us
Yet, what will you do with the inevitable bloom of a blossom!?
Do not presume that I am gone with the wind
As I am chronicled and will remain in thoughts
Such entwined and entangled with the pain of my people,

Such entwined and entangled with the pain of my people,
one may imagine that I am the cry, the cry, the cry!!

Poem in Persian:

ببین سرسبز و خوشرنگ و برومندم

ببین پر برگ و پرشاخ و تنومندم

اگر چه زخمی از کین تبر داران،

ولیکن ریشه در خاکم، چنینم من: شکوهمندم!!

گیرم که در باورتان به خاک نشسته ام

و ساقه های جوانم از ضربه های تبرهاتان زخم دار است

با ریشه چه می کنید؟!!

گیرم که بر سر این بام

بنشسته در کمین پرنده ای

پرواز را علامت ممنوع می زنید!

با جوجه های نشسته در آشیانه چه می کنید؟!!

گیرم که باد هرزه شبگرد

با های و هوی نعره مستانه در گذر باشد

با صبح روشن پرترانه چه می کنید؟!!

گیرم که می زنید

گیرم که می برید

گیرم که می کشید

با رویش ناگزیر جوانه چه می کنید؟!!

مپندارید که بر بادم

که من تاریخم و یادم

چنان با درد این مردم اجینم من

که پنداری که فریادم که فریادم که فریادم

خسرو گلسرخی

אני כותב את המכתב הזה בשם דוקטורנט מצטיין (שנאסר עליו ללמוד).
אני כותב את המכתב הזה בשם עובד שהצליפו בו בראשון למאי.
אני כותב את המכתב הזה בשם בן נוער שנידון למוות.
אני כותב את המכתב הזה בשם אישה שנידונה למוות בסקילה.
אני כותב את המכתב הזה בשם סעיד ואלדבייגי (Saeed Valadbeygi)

מזה שנים ארוכות שאנו נאבקים על זכויות היסוד שלנו. אתם עוצרים וכולאים אותנו, מענים אותנו ומצליפים בנו, מוציאים להורג ומגלים אותנו, ועדיין אנו עומדים איתנים.
ביום האישה הבינלאומי הכרזנו כי הנשים והגברים שווים והוקענו אפליה מינית מכל סוג, אך בסוף יישמתם את חוקי האפליה הגברית שלכם השייכים לימי הביניים.
בראשון למאי (יום הפועלים הבינלאומי) הכרזנו שאנו זכאים לתגמול כספי, שאנו הולכים בדרכם של כל הפועלים ברחבי העולם, ושיש לנו אותן המטרות, וביקשנו מכם לשים קץ לרודנות כלפי הפועלים המהגרים. אך אתם כלאתם אותנו, החזקתם אותנו בתנאים מחפירים, ועיניתם אותנו. הצלפתם בפועלים שהשתתפו ביום הפועלים הבינלאומי והטלתם עליהם קנסות גבוהים.
ביום הילדים הבינלאומי הכרזנו כי הילדים באים לפני הכל, ושאין לכם הזכות להתעלל בהם גופנית ומינית. אין לכם הזכות להשתמש בהם ככוח עבודה זול ושתקן, אך עדיין ניצלתם אותם ברחובות ובסדנאות העבודה.
ביום הסטודנט (ה-16 לחודש אָזָר בלוח השנה הפרסי) הכרזנו שיש לחדול מהוצאות להורג ומסקילה למוות, ולשים קץ לחוקי הכיבוש (שריעה) נגד האנושות, ולתת לאוניברסיטה – כפי שמרמז שמה – להיות מקום של למידה ומקור לכוחות אנושיים ומדעיים. אך אתם תקפתם אותנו בלילה, עצרתם את חברינו, ושלחתם אותם בעיניים קשורות לבתי הכלא. כיכבתם (סימנתם) והשעיתם אותנו, והצבתם כוחות מיליציה באוניברסיטאות. אמרנו לכם שוב ושוב שאוניברסיטה איננה מוצב צבאי, וביקשנו מכם למשוך את כוחותיכם מן האוניברסיטאות, אך אתם תקפתם את כיתותינו ומעונותינו ופצעתם סטודנטים. היום הנו יום הלוויה של חברנו... כן, אני מדבר על קיאנוש אסא (Kianoush Asa), אותו אחד שהרגתם בכלא, תחת עינויים.

זעקנו שוב ושוב בקולה של התנועה הגלובלית נגד הוצאה להורג של ילדים, וביקשנו מכם לשים לה קץ. אך אתם הוצאתם להורג את דלרה (Delara) שלנו, וממשיכים להוביל ילדים עם רגליים קלושות ורועדות אל הגרדום. הכרזנו כי בני העם האירני אינם מיליטנטיים ואין ברצונם להשמיד שום דור, גזע, או צבע. סיסמתנו היתה "זהות אחת, הזהות האנושית" ו"אדמה אחת, אדם אחד". אך אתם המשכתם להכריז על דעותיכם ותפיסותיכם האישיות בשם העם האירני. שוב ושוב הכרזנו שאיננו רוצים בממשלה איסלמית, אך אתם המשכתם לשלוט בנו בחוקים מימי הביניים.

הענקנו לכם אזהרה, ואנו נלחמים כבר שנים. התנועה לה אתם קוראים עפר וזרדים הנה אותם הסטודנטים, הנשים, הילדים והפועלים שמזכויותיהם התעלמתם זמן רב מאוד.

אין זו תנועת מרד של אנשים עשירים ומשגשגים. אין זו מחאה של מצביעים שהפסידו. זוהי צעקתם של האנשים המדוכאים של אירן, הקוראים מעומק ליבם: "מוות לעריצות, לחמינאי, ולרפובליקה האיסלמית". בזעקה זו מהדהדים הקולות ששמעתם כל השנים הללו מלוחמי חופש בפינות תאי הכלא והבורות שלכם. האירנים מצאו איש את רעהו, ויודעים כי הסוד למפלתכם טמון באחדותם. לכן אנו אומרים "אל פחד! אל פחד! כולנו יחד!". אנשים אירנים, גברים ונשים שווים, יצאו בקול אחד לרחובות, כפי שאמרו, ועמדו מול הקליעים שלכם. ביום בו הרגתם את נדה, ראיתי אישה אחרת עומדת בזרועות פשוטות וצועקת: "תירו! תירו! תהרגו גם אותי!" זוהי תנועת ההפיכה שלכם הזועקת ברחובות: "אני אהרוג את זה שהרג את אחי". לא ירחק היום וההיסטוריה תחזור עבורכם שוב, וחופש ושוויון יהיו המסר של בני העם האירני לעולם.

אך אני סעיד ואלדבייגי, הפועל הסטודנט שהיה במעצריכם ובבתי הכלא שלכם פעמים כה רבות, הסטודנט המכוכב שסילקתם מהאוניברסיטה, והפועל שבילה את מיטב שנותיו בגלות ובכלא. אני זעקתו של הכאב הנפוץ שקפץ את אגרופו כל השנים הללו כדי לצעוק היום, וחזק מתמיד, "מוות לדיקטטור!". אל תפחידו אותי במוות. משך מספר ימים הפעלתם לחץ על משפחתי, ותקפתם את מקומי פעמים כה רבות, אך בכל פעם נכשלתם ויצאתם המפסידים. לחץ שכזה ויצירת אווירה של פאניקה אינם יכולים לעצור את חברינו ואת משפחותיהם במסלול החופש שלהם, כי אנו יודעים שבדרכנו לחופש אין לנו מה להפסיד מלבד שלשלאותינו. מעשיכם עשויים להפריע לפעילותנו, ואולי נאבד את יקירינו ואת הרגעים היפים ביותר של חיינו, אך ההפרעה שלכם לעולם לא תוכל לעצור אותנו.

ראו כמה ירוק וצבעוני אני, וכמה פורה
ראו כמה עלים וענפים לי, וכמה חזק אני
למרות פציעותיהם של הגרזנים הזדוניים
שורשיי עמוקים; זהו פארי.
אף כי תחשבו שנפלתי ארצה,
וענפיי הצעירים נושאים את פצעי גרזניכם,
מה תעשו עם שורשיי?
אף כי תשבו על גג זה,
ממתינים ללכוד ציפור,
מחזיקים בשלט "אסור לעוף",
מה תעשו עם הגוזלים שבקן?!
אף כי רוח הליל האכזרית תשוטט
ותעבור פה, מייללת ונלחמת כשיכור,
מה תעשו עם ציוץ השחר הבהיר?
אף כי תכו אותנו,
אף כי תיקחו אותנו,
אף כי תהרגו אותנו,
מה תעשו עם לבלובו הבלתי נמנע של ניצן?
אל תניחו שחלפתי עם הרוח,
כי אני מתועד ואשאר במחשבות,
כה סבוך ומלופף בכאבו של עמי

כה סבוך ומלופף בכאבו של עמי,
ניתן לדמיין שאני הזעקה, הזעקה, הזעקה!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

More than 500 civil and human rights activists, women and several hundred journalists and political activists were arrested!

fter the Results of the presidential election and the people's protests in Tehran and other cities in the country, more than 500 civil and human rights activists, women and several hundred journalists and political activists were arrested. Many students from different universities across the country were followed with the same trend.

Although after announcing the election results were not agreeable but the widespread protests by the students of multiple universities countrywide began peacefully. However, these protests were faced by most violent, cruel, savage and brutally used weapons by the Hezbollah, Civil Forces, Robo cops who are strongly protected by the IRI's security and safety forces.

On the 15th of June 2009, only after the results of the elections were announced, the violent attacks of the Hezbollah forces hand in hand with the Basijis and other anti- protest forces to the different universities and their dorms around the country with massive brutality, agonizing and severe acute actions against the students were carried out. They assaulted and battered students at the University of Shiraz, Esfehan, the dorms at the Kermanshah University, Babol University, Semnan, Ghazvin and few others around the country. In the past 2 weeks of multiple attacks to the universities by these forces, hundreds of students were either detained either unbearably mutilated, taken away savagely or killed.
As per the news recieved, Nasser Amirzarad, from school of Space and Astronomy of University of Tehran is among the deceased, while these forces were attacking the universities, his body was found in yassuj (Near Khoram Abad, state of Fars). Also per Amirkabir news reportage, Kiyanoush Assa born in Kermansha, from school of Chemistry of University of Sciences and Technology of Tehran, was killed on June 16, 2009. Mustafa Ghanian, another student who was away from the university and was shot and killed by the Civil Forces. Another student in the University of Esfahan's dorm was shot to death. Neda Agha Soltan, a student of school of Philosophy is another one who was shot and shook the world.

Due to these savage and inhuman attacks, many of the students are injured in multiple hospitals reported non stable condition. Many of the University of Tehran's students are at the Shariati Hospital who have been shot to the neck and head area which has left them severe injuries may be beyond repair. Few others have lost their eye site due to the basijis shootings to the affected areas.
Ashkan Zahabian, a student of Babol University, is in a coma due to the ferocious and savage attacks of the Ansar Hezbollah forces.

Also in this regard, the complaints of the faculty was significantly noted. University professors of different universities in Tehran, after the tragedy occurred in the dormitory, with a sit-in demonstration in front of the University's Mosque protested the brutality rendered upon students. Furthermore, these faculties showed there disgust and repugnance by signing numerous petitions against the regimes violence and announced the results of the elections invalid.

On the other hand, the security forces acting upon these faculty protests while severely intimidated, arrested a considerable number of them. Among them are the faculties of the Int'l University of Ghazvin and Hamedan. Also, in the past few days, 70 of the faculties who went to visit with Mir Hossein Mousavi were detained, however few of them wee released after several hours.
Although per the reportage of the past 2 week, at least 400 students were taken into custody, however, due to their unknown whereabouts and no contact or communications, the specific information about these students is still unknown.

The night of the attack on the dormitories of the University of Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, hundreds of students who were arrested were released after one night. With the head count of the detainees in these events, the number of the students in custody in the past two weeks surpasses a thousand.
The list below are the names of the students within the respective universities who were taken into custody and posted:

University of Tehran
Ahmad Ahmadian, Eskandari, Amin Afzali, Vahid Anari, Mohamad Belourdi, Hossien Hamedi, Mohsen Habibi Mazaheri, Navid Haghdaadi, Mohamad Reza Hakami, Kazem Rahimi, Morteza Rezakhaani, Meissam Zeraai, Amin Sami'i, Bahram Shabani, Alireza Sheikhi, Ebrahim Azizi, Siavash Fiaz, Seyed Hossein Mirzadeh, Hossein Nobakht, Javad Yazdanfar, Habib khadangi, Sohrab Ahdian Reza Arkavazi, Karim Emami, Mohamad Hossein Emami, Elaheh Imanian, Roohollah bagheri, Farhad Binazadeh, Iman Pourtahmasseb, Ezat Tarbati, Simeh Tohidlou, Yasser Jaffari, Milad Chegini, Mohamad Reza Had abadi, Seyed Javad Hosseini, Farshid heidari Zamin, Behnam Khodabandehloo, Mohamad Khansari, Mohamad Davoudian, Mahmoud Delbari, Ali Ra'i, Omid Rezayi, Ali Refahi, Seifollah Ramezani, Ebrahim Zahedian, Nasser Zamani, Majid Sepahvand, Hanif Salimi, Mohamad Bagher Shabanpour, Hamed Sheikh Alishahi, Iman sheidai, Farhad Shiahmad, Saman Saheb Jalali, Farhan Sadeghpour, Farshad Taheri, Ghamdideh, Hamzeh Faratirad, Esmail ghorbani, Mohamad Karimi, Erfan Mohamadi, Mohsen Azmoodeh, Payam Pourang, Morteza Janbazi, Haji pour, Adrian Jalali, Sohrab Ahmadi, Reza Zinali, Samad Mehrali tabar.

University of Polytechnic
Pedram Rafati, Hadi Polavar, Mojtaba Alijani, Bita Samimizad, Amirhossein Astiri, Adrian jalali, Mitra a'ali, Ahmad Jaberi

Students in detention- Deprived of education
Zia Nabavi (Councilperson to defend education), Alireza Khoshbakht (Student deprived of education), Zahra Tohidi (deprived of education), Peyman Aref (deprived of education), Shiva Nazar Ahari

Azad University
Amir Kolhar (Uni of Karaj), Hessam Nassiri (Unif of central tehran), Ali Beix (PHD student, school of history), Mojtaba Mohamadian (uni of babol), Amir hossein mohamadi (Uni of Maybod)

University of Mazandaran and Babol University of Technology Noshiravani of Babol
Siavash Saliminejad, Mohsen Barzegar, Iman Sadighi, Hessamoldin Bagheri, Alireza Kiani, Milad Hosseini Koshtan, Ali Nazari, Ashkan Zahabian, Ali Dinari, Rahman Yaghoobi, Maziyar yazdani, Ali Abbassi, Shovaneh Merikhi, Mohsen Barzegar, Mohamad Alami, Nima Nahavi, Hamidreza Jahan Tigh, Marjan Fiazi, Sogand Alikhah

University of Krmanshah
Siamand Qiasi,Mohammad Jafari and some other students

Int'l University of Imam Khomeini - Ghazvin
Payam Heidar Ghazvini, Nassim Riyahi, Mojtaba Rahimi, Ata Rashidi, Esatid Daneshgah, Hossein Rayissian, Fazly, Darvish, Imani, Alborzi

University of BuAli - Hamedan

Siavash Hatam, Jojat Bakhtiari, Mehdi Mossafer, Pouria Sharifian, Reza Jafarian, Mostafa MehdiZadeh, and Amin Nazari (Council members), Mohamad Seiyadi

University of Teaching Credentials

Sajad Bazvand, Nasseh Faridi (Graduate School)

University of Semnan

25 detainees after assembly objections

University of Fedossi - Mashhad

Reza Lotfi

University of Hormozgan

Ali Shojaii

University of Shiraz

Esmail Jalilvand, Hamdollah Namjoo

University of Alameh Tabatabayi

Majid Dari

University of petroleum- Ahvaz

Hossein Rahimi and Amin Nikzadeh

University of Tabriz

Amir Mardani and Amin Jahani

Last Updates...

Right Now @ Tehran

  • On Parkway right now people are beeping their horns, and basij has responded by smashing their windscreens and slashing their tires
  • People had announced that they will form a human chain from Tajrish sq to Railway Today
  • The cellphones are down in Valieasr street and surronding area.
  • Police and plain clothes forces are settled across the Valiasr street to disallow the protesters to make a human-chain.
  • Daneshju Park is full of Basij and special gaurds and militia forces are being organized in the park for dealing with the possible protest or human chain.
  • Students of Science and Technology university put a photo of martyr Kianoosh Asa on the university's academic staff board..
  • Office of the Islamic Association of Sistan and Baluchestan University set on fire by anonymous people.
  • Alleis which are leading to Valieasr street are full of armed forces and Basij cyclists.
  • There's some conflicts and militia forces are trying not to let people make the human chain.
  • At Mellat park,Valieasr Sq,Vanak Sq and Valieasr street pedestrian way,people have took each other's hands and trying to make a human chain.
  • Ayatollah Jannati,gaurdian council incharge person confirmed the election result.
  • Important news: PersianKiwi is not arrested, but he does not have access to internet.

. . .

>>>In addition, tier 240 and 209 and 2A of the infamous Evin prison, public section of this prison is used to place woman in. These are woman who are arrested in the
recent Tehran protests .

Considering that this facility is only considered to detain a limited numbers of female prisoners, and the with extensive wave of recent arrests of many women and Lack of space in this section
has indeed increased pressure on female prisoners

According to the latest received news, about sixty women detained in tear 3 are transfered to, female methadone patients section. The lack of capacity has resulted in alarge number of women newly transferred, sleep on the cprridors of the tears, with only in one blanket. Nothing alse.

These so called hallways (corridors) are only used in the 60´s and due to improper maintenance and lack of personal hygiene facilities, are suitable for women prisoners.

Ms. Maryam Ameri and Ms. Moghadam are among these prisoners. Women in this section include also, Bita Samimi Zad and Frynaz Miryan. Two active members of the protesting-student-body.
They were kept in these horrible conditions untill two days ago and were transfered to solitary confinement without any reason.
Another notable issue in this facility, is the large number of the women prisoners who are injured durring the latest protests.

Please note that the above mentioned statistics is only a tiny part of arrested women in recent days. In many other tears of the Evin prison, there are no information leaked, due to the highest level of security.

>>> Inoltre, strappare 240 e 209 e 2A del famigerato carcere di Evin,
pubblico di questo carcere è usato per mettere la donna pollici Questi sono
donna, che vengono arrestati in
Teheran recenti proteste.

Considerando che l'impianto è organizzato per sostenere solo un numero limitato di detenuti di sesso femminile, e con la vasta ondata di recente
arresti di molte donne e la mancanza di spazio in questa sezione è aumentato la pressione sui prigionieri di sesso femminile.

Secondo le ultime notizie ricevute, una sessantina di donne detenute.

La mancanza di capienza ha portato ha mandare molte di donne a dormire nei corridoi piangendo, solo con la coperta. Nient'altro.

Questi cosiddetti corridoi, sono stati utilizzati solo negli anni'60 e a causa di manutenzione e la mancanza di strutture di igiene personale, non sono adatti per le donne prigioniere.

Sig.ra Maryam Ameri e Ms. Moghadam sono tra questi prigionieri. Donne in
questa sezione ci sono anche, Bita Samimi zad e Frynaz Miryan. Due
membri attivi del corpo di protesta studentesco.
Essi sono stati tenuti in queste condizioni orribili, fino a due giorni fa e
sono state trasferite in isolamento, senza alcuna ragione.
Un altro tema di rilievo in questa struttura, è il gran numero di
DONNE PRIGIONIERE FERITE durante le ultime proteste.

Si prega di notare che le statistiche di cui sopra è solo una piccola parte
di donne arrestate negli ultimi giorni. In molti altri carceri di Evin, non ci sono informazioni trapelate, a causa del più alto livello di sicurezza.

>>>Mohammad Mostafaei, a lawyer fighting for the rights of the minors convicted to capital punishment was arrested. Mohammad Mostafaei is fighting for the rights of the
children, who have commited crimes and are mostly before reaching the legal age,
and are mostly sentenced to death. Currently Mohammad is representing 25 cases.

>>> Mohammad Mostafaei, un avvocato che lotta per i diritti dei minori
condannati alla pena capitale, è stato arrestato. Mohammad Mostafaei lotta per i diritti dei bambini, che hanno commesso reati e sono per la maggior parte minorenni e sono per lo più condannati a morte.
Attualmente Mohammad rappresenta 25 casi.

During the last days the follow-up of the families and friends of these arrested students to determine the status of these students has failed.
the authorities do not answer to specific health questions, regarding these students.

Names of some of the students arrested in Hamedan during recent 2 weeks include:

Amin Nazari (member of the Central Council Tahkime Vahdat))

Siavash Hatam (Secretary of Islamic Association of Students of Hamedan)

Reza Jafarian (Political Secretary)

Pooya Sharifian (union secretary)

Mehdi Mosafer (secretary of social and cultural)

Hojjat Bakhtiari (Central Council member)

Mostafa M. Zadeh

Mohammad Sayyadi

After the arrest of these activists, they were beaten by security forces and than delivered to the information-gattering body og Hamedan-City.
They are thrown in solitary confinement and have suffered severly.

>>> Durante l'ultimo giorno di visite delle famiglie e gli amici di
questi studenti arrestati per determinare lo status di questi studenti è
fallito. le autorità non rispondono a specifiche questioni sanitarie, per quanto riguarda
questi studenti.

I nomi di alcuni degli studenti arrestati a Hamedan nel corso delle ultime 2
settimana includono:

Amin Nazari (membro del Consiglio Centrale Tahkime Vahdat)

Siavash Hatam (segretario di Associazione islamica degli studenti di

Reza Jafarian (Segretario politico)

Pooya Sharifian (segretario unione)

Mehdi Mosafer (segretario del sociale e culturale)

Hojjat Bakhtiari (membro del Consiglio Centrale)

Mostafa M. Zadeh

Mohammad Sayyadi

Dopo l'arresto di questi attivisti, che sono stati picchiati dalle forze di sicurezza, sono stati torturati affinchè rilasciassero informazioni.
Loro sono stati infatti gettati in isolamento e hanno sofferto gravemente.

>>>A group of students at the Science and Technology University of Tehran held a rally on Sunday to mourn the death of Kianoosh Asa under torture.

The students’ rally began at noon at the university’s mosque towards the campus’s main entrance. The participants lit candles in memory of all those who lost their life during the recent nationwide uprising of the Iranian people against the regime.

Kianoosh Asa, a chemical engineering student at the university, was kidnapped on June 15, 2009 from the university’s Majidieh dormitory.

His family found his body in a morgue, 10 days after his abduction, bearing signs of torture. The Iranian regime is refusing to hand over his body, claiming the body has been marked as unidentified since the person had no identity papers with him when he was found.

  • A group of students at the Science and Technology University of Tehran held a rally on Sunday to mourn the death of Kianoosh Asa under torture. Kianoosh Asa, a chemical engineering student at the university, was kidnapped on June 15, 2009 from the university’s Majidieh dormitory and later killed by Iranian regime’s agents.
>>> Un gruppo di studenti di Scienze e Tecnologie dell'Università degli Studi di
Teheran hanni tenuto una manifestazione di Domenica per piangere Kianoosh Asa MORTO SOTTO TORTURA.
il raduno degli studenti ha avuto inizio a mezzogiorno, presso l'università della moschea verso l'ingresso principale del campus. I partecipanti hanno acceso candele in memoria di
tutti coloro che hanno perso la vita durante la recente sollevazione nazionale
del popolo iraniano contro il regime.
Kianoosh Asa, uno studente di ingegneria chimica presso l'università, è stato
rapito il 15 giugno 2009 presso il dormitorio dell'Università di Majidieh.

La sua famiglia ha trovato il suo corpo in una camera mortuaria, 10 giorni dopo il suo rapimento, con gravi segni di tortura. Il regime iraniano si rifiuta di consegnare
il suo corpo, poichè, la persona che non aveva documenti di identità con lui quando è stato trovato, viene ritenuto non identificabile, nonostante i familiari lo hanno riconosciuto.

>>>Thousands of Tehran residents poured into streets on Sunday chanting “Death to The Dictator” Demonstrators jammed Shariati Street in north of capital at 9:30 p.m. (local time).

Cell phone communications were cut off by the government preventing the protesters from spreading the news.

  • On the 16th day of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising, on Sunday evening, thousands of youths protested in Shariati Street in Tehran. Suppressive forces attacked the protestors with batons, tear gas, pepper spray, and water cannons in attempt to arrest them or force them to disperse.
The very high level of tear gas used has left a white cloud over the area. Suppressive forces have also blocked off many roads leading to Shariati Street and besieged the people there. However, people are continuing to clash with agents of the Revolutionary Guards. Clashes are continuing at 9 p.m. local time in Shariati and Mirdamad streets and in the vicinity.

>>>Iranian regime’s State Security Forces are suppressing Tehran residents in Park Laleh (central Tehran). A number of people have been wounded in sever crackdown by plain clothes.

“They are beating up people everywhere, drivers are blowing horns of their vehicle to protest the brutal repression” one eyewitness said.

In Tajrish square (northern Tehran) and nearby streets anti-riot units are stationed every few meters on both sides of the streets. They stop and check every passerby.

>>> Migliaia di abitanti di Teheran si sono riversati nelle strade di Domenica
cantando "Dio è grande". manifestanti hanno inboccato Shariati Street a nord della capitale p.m. 9:30 (ora locale).
Cellulare di comunicazione sono stati tagliati dal governo per prevenire una fuga di notizie.

Il 16 giorno in cui popolo iraniano ha sollevato la protesta nazionale, a
Domenica sera, migliaia di giovani hanno protestato in Shariati Street in
Teheran. Soppressiva forze attaccato i manifestanti con manganelli, lacrimogeni
gas, pepe spray, idranti e nel tentativo di arresto o li costringono a disperdere.
Il livello molto elevato di gas lacrimogeni utilizzati ha lasciato una nuvola bianca nel
zona. Le forze soppresive hanno ostruito anche numerose vie che portano a
Shariati Street assediata dalla gente. Tuttavia, le persone sono
continue a scontrarsi con gli agenti della Guardia rivoluzionaria. Gli scontri
sono continuati a 9 pm ora locale in Shariati e Mirdamad strade
e nelle vicinanze.

Le forze di sicurezza di Stato del regime iraniano hanno soppresso i residenti di Teheran nel Parco Laleh (centrale di Teheran).
Un testimone dice:
In piazza Tajrish (nord di Teheran) e nella vicina piazza unità anti-sommossa sono stazionate ogni pochi metri su entrambi i lati delle strade.
Si fermano per controllare ogni passante.

Tehran - Sattarkhan ST


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Resistance ,Unite ,Victory is with us!


Resistance ,Unite ,Victory is with us<<

  • The hardliner’s used fraud in the tenth presidential election which had Ahmadinejad being declared as president by the supreme leader. This in fact was the death of Iran’s electoral process.It brought an end to all the opportunist led reform attempts by finally permitting the people to see the true face of the military fascist regime..Although that group of people who have not voted to Ahmadinejad look patsy and angry but it was really important historical lesson, they will never forget about it.
Election huge fraud and clear disregard to millions of people's votes showed legitimacy of people who sanctioned the election ,this was when reformists and the people who wanted to participate in election had made a hero from Mousavi and were saying that the real political active people do not do any thing and a way beyond people.

From the very first days of this election we announced that election in Iran dose not follow any democratic rules and is not similar to any election which happens in west.This election called selection from our side and we asked people not to participate in that.Islamic Republic of Iran faced this matter in the internal factions that has to make the internal of the government entirely from one faction and even to move all the internal opposing to the side.All the Mir-Hossein Mousavi,Khatami ,Hashemi and all opposing candidates is to take a part in the power division and share the public wealth.What has made Mousavi and his supporter team not to retreat in fact is to get what they want and not to defend people's rights.People participated in this election to get more freedom in veil, social and welfare.People participated in election to say a big"NO" to Ahmadinejad,supreme leader and a current situation in Iran But clear fraud and ignoring the basic people's freedom and selecting Ahmadinejad as a president made them to go out to the streets again.

Now it's revolutioner fighter's duty to warn angry people in the street and in the middle of a real war field with regime , to be aware of reformists imminent compromise.
To be mentioned and considered that reformists faction are just using people's power as an advantage to force hardliners to share more wealth and power with them and after reaching their goal will be the first people to suppress the riots.Getting angry and uprising is not only because reformists lose the election by leader , actually this anger comes from thirty years suppression and strangulation and now it is freedom political fighter's duty to radicalize this huge opposing movement and guide people to deny and ignore the authoritarian regime.

We emphasize that the origins of protest is not to defend a particular regime faction because all the people who voted just wanted to prove that they do not want the fascism regime. This is a spontaneous overflow and none of the regime's factions(hardliners and reformists) are leading it and it is like a really powerful and huge flame which will be dead without a leader and a organization.

The most reliable way to lead and organize this spontaneously movement is a general strike.We support an unlimited general strike because it hands the power and creation to the workers and would be a great situation for following up radical and trade demands in life and work places as well.

The hardliner and reformists fake(demo) carnivals and regime controlled solutions will continue till they come to a common solution and compromise.The first things that will be objected by right faction(hardliners) to protesters would be chaos and violence.Before Regime fooled people to participate in a fake election(selection) and now people have to be aware of imminent promises from regime internal factions and not to be fooled again.

Re-election,re-count and none of the things that announced by opposing faction-Mousavi,Karoubbi-are not what really people want.Iranian people have said in their slogane "death to Islamic Republic" and "death to Khamenei" and that means their capacity is full and do not want this regime and government anymore.Mousavi can not lead this objection to keep the Islamic system safe and use it as an advantage for reformists faction and people will pass over him and go forward and we can see and feel it clearly at nights in Tehran and other cities that people are not of the same voice when they chant"GOD is great" but that is the voice of "Death to dictator" which can be heard really loud.

Victory is with us

saeed valadbaygi

>>Resistete, Unitevi, La vittoria e' nostra<<
L'evidente truffa nella decima elezione presidenziale da parte dei conservatori e la declarazione di Ahmadinejad come presidente da parte del sistema, e' in fatti la morte delle elezioni e la fine delle soluzioni speculative della destra e i riformisti e allo stesso tempo e' la rivelazione della faccia vera del fascismo e lo spirito del sistema per tutto il popolo. Sebbene quel gruppo di persone che non hanno votato Ahmadinejad sono furiosi, tuttavia hanno imparatato una lezione importante e storica che non sara' mai dimenticata.

Fin dai primi giorni noi avevamo dichiarato che queste elezioni non erano in nessun modo democratiche e simili a quelle democratiche che si verificano nell'occidente. Queste elezioni da parte nostra non erano elezioni ma assegnazioni, e avevamo richiesto il suo boicottaggio e di non partecipare. La repubblica islamica stessa e' arrivata alla conclusione di implementare una singola fazione ed mettere ai margini l'opposizione interna. Gli sforzi di Mir Hossein Mousavi, Khatami, Rafsanjani e altri candidati dell'opposizione era per condividere il potere e avere una parte nella richezza pubblica. Motivo per cui fino ad ora Mousavi e i suoi collaboratori non si sono arresi, e' la lotta per ottenere queste richieste e non per difendere i diritti fondamentali del popolo. Il popolo ha partecipato per avere piu' liberta' nel modo di vestirsi e per avere piu' liberta' e tranquilita' sociale. Il popolo ha partecipato per dichiarare un NO netto a Ahmadinejad e la guida suprema e la situazione in essere. Ma i brogli evidenti e la non-considerazione delle liberta' minime dei giovani e il popolo iraniano, nonche l'assegnazione di Ahmadinejad al ruolo del presidente, ha fatto uscire la gente per le strade.

Ora che la gente furiosa e' uscita per le strade e ora che con il proprio pugno e sangue sono entrati in un vero, non teatrale e finto, campo di battaglia contro il regime, il compito degli oppositori rivoluzionari e' di avvertire il popolo dell'imminente compromesso da parte dei riformisti. Bisognerebbe capire che i riformisti prima o poi useranno la protesta del popolo come un peso per arrivare a un compromesso e ottenere le loro richieste e una volta al potere, saranno loro stessi a compiere il primo passo per opprimere le proteste.

Il furore del popolo non e' soltanto dovuto al fallimento dei riformisti e l'assegazione sbilanciata da parte della guida suprema. Questa e' una rabbia che e' esplosa dopo anni di oppressione e soffocazione e il compito dei combattenti liberalisti e' di indirizzare questo grande movimento verso la negazione di tutto il regime ed il sistema totalitario.

Enfatizziamo che la richiesta di questa protesta non e' difendere una fazione del sistema in quanto tutta la motivazione dei elettori era di negare il fascimo. Questa e' un'esplosione spontanea e nessuna fazione del sistema e' al suo leadership, ne i riformisti e ne la destra. La rivolta spontanea e' una fiamma gigantesca e vasta, ma senza leadership e organizzazione, sarebbe presto spenta. Noi crediamo che la migliore soluzione per canalizzare questo movimento spontaneo e trasformalo in un movimento organizzato di massa, e' di eseguire uno sciopero generale. Noi supportiamo uno sciopero generale perche questo movimento, darebbe il potere e l'innovazione pratica al classe di lavoratori, e allo stesso tempo sarebbe un'opportunita' per seguire e ottenere le richieste dei lavoratori e i radicali negli ambiti di lavoro e di vita. I carnevali teatrali dei riformisti e fondamentalisti, sono soluzioni controllate del regime e durano fino al momento che i due non arrivino a un compromesso. La violenza e il caos sono le prime accusa da parte della destra verso il popolo. Il regime in passato ha ingannato il popolo a partecipare nelle elezioni ridicoli. Ora il popolo non deve di nuovo essere ingannato rispetto all'imminente compromesso tra le fazioni interne del sistema. Nuove elezioni, riconteggio dei voti e nessuna delle richieste che oggi Mousavi e Kahroubi e i collaboratori presentano, sono le richieste vere e di massa del popolo iraniano. Il popolo iraniano in una parola e nelle loro slogan hanno detto "morte alla repubblica islamica" "morte a Khamenei" e questo vuol dire che il popolo non sopporta piu' la repubblica islamica. Mousavi non puo' dirigere questa protesta negli interessi dei riformisti e la conservazione del sistema. Il popolo prima o poi supera anche lui. Questa sitazione e' ben percepibile nelle notti di Teheran e quelle delle province: la gente non e' piu' unita nel dire "Allaho Akbar" (Allah e' grande), piuttosto lo e' lo slogan "Morte al dittatore" che si sente sempre piu' alto e sempre piu' nitido.

La vittoria e' nostra

saeed valadbaygi

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Iran updates...

Iranian riots...No Comment!

>>>Vahid the writer to"Vahid Online"weblog has been arrested. Ali Mosleh the writer of"The Mailman ring twice"weblog, has also been arrested.
Many bloggers and Human rights activist are still in prison and we have not heard anything on their condition.
Shiva Nazar Ahari, Ali Kalai, Somaye Tohid loo, Ahamd Zeid Abadi, Abdollah Momeni, Ali Mosleh, Emad Bahavar, Majid Dari, Mahsa AmrAbadi and Mohammad Ali Abtahi.

>>>At least three people were wounded in clashes between Tehran residents and the Islamic Republic’s Forces on Saturday in the city center.

The clashes occurred on Towhid Street and Keshavarz Boulevard as Police tried to stop people from entering Laleh Park to attend a rally called for by the mothers of those killed during the recent nationwide protests. They also planned to honor the memory of Neda Agha Soltan.

Meanwhile, the Bazaaris have called for a strike. Trading has come to a halt today and the Bazaar is virtually closed.

The carpet Bazaar has been closed today following the call for today’s protest.

>>>The Riot police & plain clothes attacked protesters today afternoon in streets leading to Laleh Park in Tehran. At least three persons were arrested.

“Since 5 pm (Tehran time), people have been going to Laleh Park in order to continue their anti-government protests. Riot police And Plain clothes have been stationed in all streets and alleys leading to Laleh Park including Enqelab Square. A large number of basijis are on the foot, on motorcycles and in patrol vehicles, in the square,” .

“The regime’s repressive forces attacked people who were chanting ‘death to dictator’ to force them to leave the area. Up to now at least three persons have been arrested.”

“In Enqelab Square there are a large number of plainclothes agents stationed.”

>>>Today at 6pm Tehran time, the people of Kermanshah in Iran have called for a rally to commemorate Neda and for 'freedom for all.

>>>Yesterday, 26 June 2009, hundreds gathered in front of the Islamic Republic of Iran's embassy in Stockholm, Sweden to protest against the Islamic regime of Iran.

Around 4.30pm the protesters surged forward, broke through police lines, broke down the embassy doors and entered it. The armed security of the Islamic regime attempted to stop the protesters. They were immediately unarmed; embassy staff then fled the buidling.

Swedish police arrived and fired shots in the air after which the demonstrators left the building.

>>>On Friday at 11:00am local time, residents of Janat-Abad District, western Tehran, held a protest, chanting "Death to the Dictator" &"Death to Khamenei". There were continuous clashes with the regime’s suppressive forces until 2:00pm. The suppressive forces arrested at least 11 protesters and transferred them to an unknown location.

Relatives and friends of those martyred in the uprising and thousands of Tehran residents gathered on Friday afternoon in Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery in memory of the martyrs.

Despite a heavy police presence, hundreds of people on Thursday lit candles at the burial site of Neda Agha Soltan in her memory and in remembrance of all the martyrs.

The Islamic Republic is preventing people from burying their loved ones in the family section of Behesht-e Zahra. It forces them to bury their relatives in a separate field.

>>>Islamic republic' suppressive police,went door to door in north of Tehran on Friday threatening people who have installed satellite dishes on their rooftops.In Niavaran district in north of Tehran, Security Forces warned home owners with satellite dishes to have them removed otherwise they would confiscated.

>>>Iranian regime used teenagers of 13-14 years-old to suppress the protests in Tehran, at least in three different locations in Tehran, near Ferdowsi square, in Shanzdah-Azar and Mofateh streets.

“They had uniforms that were too large for them, their hats were too big and they looked like kids,” one eyewitness said.

“They contributed to the high number of casualties in the protest of the past few days in Iran,” she added.

>>> The body of Kianoosh Asa, a chemical engineering student of Science and Technology University of Tehran, was found 10 days after his abduction, bearing signs of torture.

Kianoosh disappeared on June 15, 2009 from the university’s Majidieh dormitory.

His family found his body in a morgue. The Iranian regime is refusing to hand over his body, claiming the body has been marked as unidentified since the person had no identity papers with him when he was found.

>>>Despite a heavy police presence in various parts of Tehran including in Enghelab, Karegar, Jamalzadeh and Vali-Asr streets and in the vicinity of Baharestan Square, people and the suppressive forces clashed on Thursday.
Helicopters belonging to the Revolutionary Guards were circling these areas.

A group of Tehran youths protested in Vali-Asr Street, chanting “Death to Khamenei”. Groups of Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary Bassijis, including those stationed at Daneshjoo Park, brutally attacked the protestors.

People and suppressive forces clashed between Enghelab and Jamalzadeh streets. Hit and run clashes ensued in this region until 8:00pm local time.

Ambulances arrived at the scene in Laleh Park at 8:45pm. They rounded up the injured and took them to centers under the control of the Revolutionary Guards. The Guards have prevented ordinary people from assisting the injured.

photos from 20 june

Thank you for your concern!

No one has taken over my profile. I'm the same old Saeed, temporary has changed my profile picture reflecting my mood today. That's all.

Love ya all

Friday, June 26, 2009

Latest News & Videos From Tehran!

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Latest News

URGENT>>>>IRI embassy in Stockholm was occupied by Iranian revolts,Once we receive more information let you know!

>Committee to Protect Journalists: In the past 2 days 40 journalists arrested in Iran!

>National security commission have met with Mousavi & Karoubi!

>Families are charged 5-14 thousand dollars to receive the bodies of their loved ones.They also need to sign a waver that they won't sure the police or other attackers.In a written undertaking, they need to say Mousavi is the reason & we have not complaints against police.

>No place is allowed to hold a funeral for these martyrs.The baloons were in memory of the victims & in objection to recent events and the coup.

URGENT>"Saeed Mortazavi", prosecutors general of Tehran, is put in charge of investigating recent detainees.

>Seyed Ahmad Khatami lead this Friday's prayer (since no one else was available!!),He said whoever violates the leader, violated Imam's orders & that means violating god's order! "These riots are against the law & since [Khomeini] has prohibited them, they're against Islam."Islamic jurist (i.e., Khamenei) is not a political leader, he's a proof of religion"he said "UN is created by dictator governments & other governm.

"He said "A woman died in the riots(NEDA) & any sane person can tell it was done by rioters" !!"

>Brigadier-general Fazli: Eight Basiji's have died in recent events.

@20 June!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Open letter of support to the demonstrators in Iran!

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his morning Ayatollah Ali Khamenei demanded an end to the massive and forceful demonstrations protesting the controversial result of last week's election. He argued that to make concessions to popular demands and 'illegal' pressure would amount to a form of 'dictatorship', and he warned the protestors that they,
rather than the police, would be held responsible for any further violence.

Khamenei's argument sounds familiar to anyone interested in the politics of collective action, since it appears to draw on the logic used by state authorities to oppose most of the great popular mobilisations of modern times, from 1789 in France to 1979 in Iran itself. These mobilisations took shape through a struggle to assert the principle that sovereignty rests with the people themselves, rather than with the state or its representatives. 'No government can justly claim authority', as South Africa's ANC militants put it in their Freedom Charter of 1955, 'unless it is based on the will of all the people.'

Needless to say it is up to the people of Iran to determine their own political course. Foreign observers inspired by the courage of those demonstrating in Iran this past week are nevertheless entitled to point out that a government which claims to represent the will of its people can only do so if it respects the most basic preconditions for the determination of such a will: the freedom of the people to assemble, unhindered, as an inclusive collective force; the capacity of the people, without restrictions on debate or access to information, to deliberate, decide and implement a shared course of action.

Years of foreign-sponsored 'democracy promotion' in various parts of the world have helped to spread a well-founded scepticism about civic movements which claim some sort of direct democratic legitimacy. But the principle itself remains as clear as ever: only the people themselves can determine the value of such claims. We the undersigned call on the government of Iran to take no action that might discourage such determination.

Peter Hallward

Middlesex University, UK.

Alberto Toscano

Goldsmiths College, UK.

This letter is also signed by:

Alenka Zupancic, Institute of Philosophy of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Alexander Garcia Duttmann, Goldsmiths College

Etienne Balibar, Paris X, Nanterre, and University of California, Irvine

Eyal Weizman, Director, Centre for Research Architecture, Dept. of Visual Cultures

Goldsmiths, University of London

Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley

Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor (retired), MIT, Cambridge MA USA

Philip Pettit, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University

Rada Ivekovic, Prof., Collège international de philosophie, Paris.

Slavoj Žižek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and the European Graduate School

Also signed by the following academics:

Adam Bieniek, PhD, Jagiellonian University, Chair of Arab Studies, Institute of Oriental Philology , Cracow, Poland

Agnieszka Zuk, University of Nancy

Aleksander Glogowski, PhD, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

Ali Banuazizi, Professor of Political Science and Director, Program in Islamic Civilization and Societies, Boston College

Ali Rezaei, Dept. of Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada
Nader Hashemi,Assistant Professor of Middle East and Islamic Politics
Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver

Arang Keshavarzian, Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, New York University

Asia Bochenska, Department of Kurdish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

Beata Kowalska, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Dan Sperber, Institut Jean Nicod, CRNS, Paris

Eric B. Ross, Visiting Professor of Anthropology and International Development Studies, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Farideh Farhi, Department of Political Science, University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Farifteh Tavakoli-Borazjani, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Iranistik

Farzin Vahdat, Vassar College, New York

Hossein Ziai, Jahangir and Eleanor Amuzegar Chair in Iranian Studies, Director of Iranian Studies, UCLA Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Los Angeles, CA

Isabelle Dolezalek, Freie Universität Berlin

Jadwiga Pstrusińska, Head of Department of Interdisciplinary Eurasiatic Research, Institute of Oriental Philology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow

Jean-Paul Martinon, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, UK

Joanna Bochenska

Jolan Bogdan, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, UK

Juan R. I. Cole, Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History, University of Michigan

Kazem Alamdari, California State University, Los Angeles
Nayereh Tohidi, Professor, California State University, Northridge

Linda Herrera, Institute of Social Studies (The Hague)
Asef Bayat, University of Leiden

Lynn Schibeci, Dept of History, the University of New Mexico (retired), Albuquerque, New Mexico

Mark Gasiorowski, Political Science and International Studies, Louisiana State University

Martin Steinseifer, Universität Giessen

Martin van Bruinessen, Chair of Comparative Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Utrecht University

Martina Tissberger, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Michael McIntyre, International Studies, DePaul University, Chicago

Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi, Professor of History and Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto

Norma Claire Moruzzi, University of Illinois at Chicago, Political Science, History, Gender and Women's Studies

Scott Hibbard, DePaul University, Chicago

Seyla Benhabib, Seyla Benhabib, Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, Yale University, New Haven
Jesse Lemisch, Professor Emeritus, History, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, USA

Stephen Engelmann, University of Illinois at Chicago

Talal Asad, Graduate Center, City University of New York

Van Bluemel, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in Worcester, MA

Vera Beyer, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin

Dr Riaz Ahmed,Department of Applied Chemistry,University of Karachi, Karachi

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